Hugo Cabret
Hugo Cabret and his dad was a specialist in the clockworks field. They fix clocks, toys,... His dad used to take him to the movies on his birthday. One day, his dad discovers about the automaton that have been on the museum's attic for ages. They both bring it home and find a way to repair the "meachanical man". Hugo's dad told him about the greatest magicians that use them in a show, they considered that the automaton can sing, write, draw, dance,... Until one day, Hugo's dad was traped in the museum, and just a in a second, the museum burnt down.
Claude Cabret was Hugo's uncle, he is really in to wines and cards, he was also a bit of a thief. Hugo Cabret was forced to live with him in the train station, otherwise, he would go to the orphan. Uncle instructs him to steal foods. And one day, uncle left for months and never came back. Hugo has to continue repair the automaton in order to gave him the message that his dad left. Hugo bravely step up to the toy booth and steal the things that he needed. Hugo thought he was going to successfully repair it. Than, the old man starts to realize that some of his toys were missing. The old man fakes falling asleep, but the old man was smart enough that Hugo would be back and he's going to take it. But than the old man grab his hand and took his notebook away. Hugo can't get it back, if he did, he would get into trouble with the Station Inspector and he would go to an orphan. Hugo kept asking him for the notebook, he kept asking the old man to gave it back. He did even stalks the old man and threw a rock into the windows. Than, he met this girl, her name is Isabelle. Isabelle promised that she would do anything to find his notebook back. Hugo wondered if he can trust the girl but that's the only way he has left. The old man offered Hugo the job at tbe toy booth so that Hugo can get a chance to take his notebook back and he accepted it. He finds a way to repair the automaton because he realized if the old man was going to gave it back or not. He accidently figure out that he needed the core's key to make the mechanical man which Isabelle had it. He explains everything to Isabelle and she gave him the key. He turn it on and the automaton drew a picture of a great part of a really famous movie-which the automaton signed the name as "Papa Georges" which is the name of the old man. They both talked to Ms.Georges, she sent Hugo out of the house and rejected him. And as Isabelle and Hugo discover more about Papa Georges, they both met the biggest movie fan and the director of a movie company. He was the author of the book that Hugo and Isabelle and he stated that Georges Melies was death in the World War II. Isabelle told him that he was alive and they show him to Papa Georges. It turns out Ms. Georges was also a famous movie actor and Georges Melies was an enormous famous director. Papa Georges said that the audience was bored of his movie, they have no time for movies because they have to hide because there are wars out there and they don't know when it may come. And the director offered him back to his business and he agreed, Hugo was adopted by Georges Melies and they live happy ever after.
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